Copper H2O: The Elixir Of Human Life


Do you believe your Water Filter or Packed Cans grant you cent percent purified water? This article exposes you the benefits of Copper and its usage. According to Tamil Ancestors, Water stored in a copper vessel lends the enormous amount of positive properties in it. This Copper Water provides significant benefits to the humankind.

Benefits Of Drinking Copper Water:

1. The Oligodynamic Effect On Bacteria: Copper, predominantly known to be Oligodynamic metal, which naturally consist of sterilizing effect and it can destroy bacteria very effectively such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are two bacteria known to cause severe illness in the human body that are commonly found in our environment. Especially copper helps to prevent waterborne diseases such as jaundice, dysentery and diarrhea.

2. Thyroid Deficiency: Common thyroid deficiency classified into two categories such as hyperthyroidism, due to excessive of thyroid hormone and hypothyroidism due to low levels of thyroid hormone. Thyroid deficiency is very common among people because of low copper level. Drinking water from the copper vessel modulates the functioning of thyroid gland. 

3. For Joints Pain: Drinking copper water is the best opinion to get relief from aches and joint pains. Copper consist of strengthening properties for bone and immune system.

4. For Wounds: Copper is a great option for healing the wounds rapidly because of its anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. It helps to strengthen the immune system and it is known as a medicine to cure inside stomach wounds.

5. Fight Against Cancer: Copper consist of rich anti-oxidant properties which can fight against cancer cells and helps to stops the growth of cancer borne cells.

6. For Brain Stimulation: Copper contains anti -convulsive and brain stimulant properties. It help brain to work much more faster and efficiency. Brain works by the transmitting of  impulse from one neuron to other neuron. These neurons are covered by Myelin sheath which helps to flow the impulses. Copper water helps to formation of Myelin Sheath.

7. Anti-Ageing: Copper is the best remedy for the ageing because of its rich anti-oxidants helps to produce new healthy skin cells and removes the dead cells.

8. For Anemia: Copper helps to produce the formation of RBC, which regulates the flow of iron level in the blood vessels.

9. For Liver, Stomach and Digestive System: Copper helps to regulate the working of liver and kidney. It consist of properties that stimulate peristalsis, reduce the inflammation and destroys the harmful bacteria within the stomach. It is a great remedy for indigestion, ulcers and infections.

10. For Weight Loss: Drinking Copper water regularly helps to break down the fat from the body.

Properties Of Copper:

When water is stored in a copper vessel, water pH slightly increases  from 7.83 to 7.93 The water's taste changes slightly, while the physiological parameters remain unchanged.

Drawbacks Of Plastic Bottles:

Plastic equipment that we use today is 100% harmful to your health. Mainly males are losing their masculinity. But copper vessels used by our ancestors give 100% health benefits against this. Plastic bottles or tanks are generally preferred as they cost very less than others, they made up of stronger material, less-weight. Nevertheless.., lack of awareness and inadequate knowledge about the toxicity caused by the plastic and imitation chemicals used in this tanks has raised consequential concerns.

How To Maintain Copper Vessel:

Never buy a copper vessel with other mixed metals, try to buy pure copper vessels. Do not use scrub to wash, use lemon juice or baking soda to wash copper vessels.

Limitations Of Consuming Copper Vessel Water: 

Consuming more amount of copper vessel water leads to excessive of copper content in the body, which may leads to nausea, vomiting, dizziness, metallic odor in mouth. It then develops a copper toxicity, this rare occurrence can leads to cardiac problems, coma, give a break once in three months, it allow the excessive copper dissolve in the body. Consume with limitation measures gain its concoction.

"Too Much of Anything is,
Good for nothing"

Technology slowly ruins our health, stop being addicted to westernized. Our culture stuffed with many glory commodity, that’s the secret behind our forefathers strength and manpower. Many natural remedies are concealed by fashion, Renaissance our culture. Save our Tamil culture.
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